Drupal 6.x

Drupal mail modules notes

Mailman Groups

OG och mail lists mailman

Webmail Plus

Webmail Plus is a full-featured email client for Drupal. It's designed to provide email for any or all members of a Drupal site. It relies on a standard IMAP (Dovecot, Courier-IMAP) server for mail storage and localhost or SMTP (Postfix, Exim) server for mail delivery. It's a great way to add email/webmail functionality to your Drupal community site.

Message tagging

Some hints creating own plugins to CKEditor

Not a full guide but some helpful hints to get in the right direction.

Read this:
I've just checked the wysiwyg-geshi module, the integration with CKEditor module is not hard (but could be easier):

In ckeditor.config.js add something like:

config.extraPlugins += (config.extraPlugins ? ',geshi' : 'geshi' );<br />
CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal('geshi', Drupal.settings.basePath + 'sites/all/modules/wysiwyg-geshi/ckeditor/');

and add selected buttons (Geshi-code, Geshi-php, ...) to selected toolbars.

How to encrypt and decrypt URL when using GET

This is one example on how to encrypt and decrypt the URL in your system. You can't use this if you are using Drupals menu system where a certain segment should be the encrypted part because this encrypted string can contain slashes and make the call and arguments distributed in an uncontrolled way.

Your planned URL:


...can end up like:


But if you send it like a GET value it works like a sharm.

Theme the AHAH progress animation


Having a hard time to catch the Drupal AHAH animation in Firebug? This is how it looks like. Add it after your button in Edit, and now you can style it.


<input type="submit" name="op" value="Go" class="form-submit ahah-processed progress-disabled" id="edit-go">
div class="ahah-progress ahah-progress-throbber" style="display: block;">
div class="throbber">&nbsp;</div>

