Drupal 6 get theme template suggestions
This is how you get theme template name suggestions from your theme template.php file
This is how you get theme template name suggestions from your theme template.php file
This is how you can activate or deactivate rules by its machine readable name programmatically.
This is how you should add a new table for your module in the install file using the hook_update_N in Drupal 6
Installing Drush 5 via apt-get on Debian. Debian offers version 5 even if 6 and 7 is out, but it seems to work good in my case with a Drupal 6 multi site setup.
This is how you can revert a Features module in Drupal 6 programmatically in for instance a install file or elsewhere.
This is how you can programmatically create a combined validation.
This is how you can insert a large amount of rows from an array in PHP using only one call to MySQL instead of doing a loop with foreach and call MySQL for every row.
Note: db_query() is for Drupal, but the basic concept works in plain PHP/MySQL:
INSERT INTO parser_queue (sid, nid) SELECT id AS sid, 109 AS nid FROM source_109 WHERE id IN (1,2,3);
This is how you can render a block in a node. First set your format to PHP and then find out what id your block has, in this case 76. The use the code below in your node body field.