Table functions - from array to HTML table

Some functions useful when generating HTML tables from an array. Note that themeTabel() is standalone, but themeTable2() requires to supporting functions themeAttributes() and themeTableCell().


function themeTable($table_list, $header, $class = 'barcodes', $title = FALSE) {

        if (
$title) {
$html = '<div class="' . $class . '">' . $title . "</div>\n";

$html .= '<table class="' . $class . '">' . "\n";

$header_th = ' <tr>' . "\n";
        foreach (
$header as $key => $th) {
$header_th .= '  <th class="' . $key . '">' . $th . '</th>' . "\n";
$header_th .= '</tr>' . "\n";

$c = FALSE;
        foreach (
$table_list as $key => $package) {

$header_td .= ' <tr class="' . (($c = !$c) ? 'odd' : 'even') . ' ' . $package['class'] . '" title="' . $package['title'] . '">' . "\n";

            if (
is_array($package) AND ! empty($package['data'])) {

$header_td .= '  <td class="' . $package['class'] . '">' . $package['data'] . '</td>' . "\n";
            } elseif (!empty(
$package['rows'])) {
$header_td .= '  <td class="' . $key . '">';
                foreach (
$package as $key => $td) {
$header_td .= ' ' . $td . "\n";
$header_td .= '  </td>';
            } elseif (
is_array($package)) {
$header_td .= '  <td class="' . $key . '">';
                foreach (
$package as $key => $td) {
$header_td .= ' ' . $td . "\n";
$header_td .= '  </td>';
            } else {
$header_td .= '  <td class="' . $key . '">' . $package . '</td>' . "\n";

$header_td .= '</tr>' . "\n";

$html .= $header_th . $header_td . '</table>' . "\n";


The following three functions are all needed to run themeTable2()

     * Helper function to themeTable2
     * @param type $attributes
     * @return string
private function themeAttributes($attributes = array()) {
        if (
is_array($attributes) AND ! empty($attributes)) {
$t = '';

            foreach (
$attributes as $key => $value) {
$t .= " $key=" . '"' . (!empty($value) ? htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') : '&nbsp;') . '"';

     * Helper function to themeTable2
     * @param type $attributes
     * @return string
private function themeTableCell($cell, $header = FALSE) {
$attributes = '';

        if (
is_array($cell)) {
$data = isset($cell['data']) ? $cell['data'] : '';
$header |= isset($cell['header']);

$attributes = $this->themeAttributes($cell);
        } else {
$data = $cell;

        if (
$header) {
$output = "<th$attributes>$data</th>";
        } else {
$output = "<td$attributes>$data</td>";

     * Generic table function based on Drupal 6 theme_table
     * @param type $header
     * @param type $rows
     * @param type $attributes
     * @param type $caption
     * @param type $footer array; class, data
     * @return string
public function themeTable2($header, $rows, $attributes = array(), $caption = NULL, $footer = NULL) {

$output = '<table' . $this->themeAttributes($attributes) . ">\n";

        if (isset(
$caption)) {
$output .= '<caption>' . $caption . "</caption>\n";

// Format the table header:
if (count($header) AND count($rows)) {

$output .= (count($rows) ? ' <thead><tr>' : ' <tr>');
            foreach (
$header as $cell) {
$output .= $this->themeTableCell($cell, TRUE);
// Using ternary operator to close the tags based on whether or not there are rows
$output .= (count($rows) ? " </tr></thead>\n" : "</tr>\n");
        } else {
$ts = array();

// Format the table rows:
if (count($rows)) {
$output .= "<tbody>\n";
$flip = array('even' => 'odd', 'odd' => 'even');
$class = 'even';
            foreach (
$rows as $number => $row) {
$attributes = array();

// Check if we're dealing with a simple or complex row
if (isset($row['data'])) {
                    foreach (
$row as $key => $value) {
                        if (
$key == 'data') {
$cells = $value;
                        } else {
$attributes[$key] = $value;
                } else {
$cells = $row;
                if (
count($cells)) {
// Add odd/even class
$class = $flip[$class];
                    if (isset(
$attributes['class'])) {
$attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $class;
                    } else {
$attributes['class'] = $class;

// Build row
$output .= ' <tr' . $this->themeAttributes($attributes) . '>';
$i = 0;
                    foreach (
$cells as $cell) {
//$cell = tablesort_cell($cell, $header, $ts, $i++);drupal
$output .= $this->themeTableCell($cell);
$output .= " </tr>\n";
$output .= "</tbody>\n";

$output .= "</table>\n";

        if (isset(
$footer['data'])) {
$output .= '<div class="table-footer '.$footer['class'].'">' . $footer['data'] . "</div>\n";
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