Drupal 6 get theme template suggestions
This is how you get theme template name suggestions from your theme template.php file
function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
print __FILE__ . " " . __LINE__;
It will generate a list like this for a URL like ".../admin/reports/event/2416442"
[template_files] => Array
[0] => page-admin
[1] => page-admin-reports
[2] => page-admin-reports-event
[3] => page-admin-reports-event-2416442
Then take a copy of page.php in your theme and save it as "page-admin-reports-event.tpl.php as in the the "[2] => page-admin-reports-event" item above.
Make a temp change to the template to see if you made it right. you might need to clear some cache before you see any changes.
<?php print "Hello my new template! ".$content ?>
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