Convert a CSV-file to HTML table in PHP
You have a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file on the server and want to convert it to a HTML table. This example use the first row as a header. A simple way to ignore a header row is to let the counter ($row) start with a value greater than 1.
$row = 1;
if (($handle = fopen("sites/default/files/Bok1.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
echo '<table border="1">';
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ";")) !== FALSE) {
$num = count($data);
if ($row == 1) {
echo '<thead><tr>';
echo '<tr>';
for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) {
//echo $data[$c] . "<br />\n";
if(empty($data[$c])) {
$value = " ";
$value = $data[$c];
if ($row == 1) {
echo '<th>'.$value.'</th>';
echo '<td>'.$value.'</td>';
if ($row == 1) {
echo '</tr></thead><tbody>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</tbody></table>';
The input of the following CSV...
...becomes the following table:
<table border="1">
...and looks like this:
aaaa | bbbb | cccc |
1111 | 2222 | 3333 |
11 | 22 | 33 |