From array to HTML table - very simple
This is a very simple function to create a HTML table from an array. Some things are even hardcoded but can easily be either changed or modified to be more generic.
function zim_table($headers, $rows, $title = FALSE, $class = 'sortable zimonitor'){
if ($title) {
$title = '<h2>'.$title.'</h2>';
$table = '<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#000000" class="'.$class.'">';
$table .= '<thead><tr class="listtext_menu">';
foreach ($headers as $key => $th) {
$table .= '<th width="" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">'.$th.'</th>';
$table .= '</thead></tr>';
$table .= '<tbody>';
foreach ($rows as $rk => $row) {
$table .= '<tr class="listtext_menu">';
$bgcolor = $q++ % 2 ? '#EAEAEA' : '#ffffff';
foreach ($row as $tk => $td) {
$table .= '<td width="" bgcolor="'.$bgcolor.'">'.$td.'</td>';
$table .= '</tr>';
$table .= '</tbody>';
$table .= '</table>';
return ($title ? $title : "") . $table;
This is an example of implementation
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT `zimcloud_installations`.`id`, `zimcloud_installations`.`name`,
`zimcloud_installations`.`status` , `zimcloud_installations`.`chargify_state_id`, `chargify_states`.*, `zimcloud_status`.*
FROM `zimcloud_installations`
LEFT JOIN `chargify_states` ON ( `chargify_states`.id = `zimcloud_installations`.`chargify_state_id`)
LEFT JOIN `zimcloud_status` ON ( `zimcloud_status`.id = `zimcloud_installations`.`status`)
WHERE `zimcloud_installations`.`chargify_state_id` = 4 AND `zimcloud_installations`.`status` != 7");
$headers = array('id', 'installation', 'Babylon status', 'Chargify status');
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
$rows[] = array($row['id'], $row['name'], $row['fulltext'], $row['label']);
if(count($rows) > 0){
echo zim_table($headers, $rows , zim_message('Mismatch in status - change status to Active in Babylon', 'warning'));
echo zim_message("All active instances in Chargify is active in Babylon", "ok");
echo zim_message("SQL error: Couldn't check if all active instances in Chargify is active in Babylon", "error");
This is also a little simple but handy message function
function zim_message($message, $type = "message"){
switch ($type) :
case "message": $style = ''; break;
case "error": $style = 'color: red;'; break;
case "warning": $style = 'color: #fc7a02;'; break;
case "ok": $style = 'color: green;'; break;
default: $style = '';
return '<div style="text-align: left; width: 100%; padding: 2px; '.$style.'">'.$message.'</div>';